Live O2 Therapy

Noticeable Increase in Energy, Brain Function & Immune Response

Live O2 Therapy in Shelby, NC at Carolina Chiropractic Plus

Live O2  therapy hyper-oxygenates the cells of the brain and body, thereby initiating the healing and restorative processes.

Our oxygenation technology delivers high levels of oxygen to the body at the cellular level. This provides a natural way to maximize the level of physical and mental wellness. Moreover, the benefits of this therapy will continue to work well after the session has completed.

Adaptive contrast oxygen therapy has become increasingly popular with many doctors championing the treatment. The Live O2 therapy is extremely simple and can be used to prevent or address health problems caused by poor oxygen delivery. Increased levels of oxygen provide stunning results in terms of cell health. What is true for hyperbaric treatment (HBOT) is exponentially true for Live O2 therapy.

Higher levels of oxygen translate to more cellular energy, more energy for healing and more energy to perform better in life. When ample oxygen rushes into cells of the body with deficiency, oxygen is carrying the nutrients for detoxification of cellular poisons that have been accumulating.  Live O2 therapy allows for treatment of various conditions speeding healing and improving function.

Live O2 therapy

What are the Benefits of Live O2 Therapy?

Our patients experience a noticeable increase in energy, improved brain function, faster recovery, anti-inflammatory effects and improved immune responses with one 15-minute Live O2 therapy training session. Benefits of this revolutionary therapy include:

  • Increased Athletic Performance
  • Anti-Aging
  • Eliminate ADHD Symptoms
  • Reduced Inflammation
  • Promotes Natural Healing
  • Assists in brain plasticity to help Neurofeedback treatment
  • Increases blood oxygen content to assist in healing nerve damage
Live O2 therapy

How Live O2 Therapy Works

During a 15 minute workout done on a stationary bike, we combine higher intensity periods of exercise with higher altitude air and periods of rest at near pure oxygen to rapidly increase levels of oxygen in the blood stream. The Live O2 therapy exercise does not have to be intense, and we can modify the protocol for any fitness and health level.

Throughout the session, the patient will wear an oxygen mask attached to a reservoir containing 95% pure oxygen. Our doctors will have the patient do some moderate exercise while monitoring heart rate and blood oxygen levels while switching back and forth between very low intensity exercise and some more intense challenge periods. Switching between these two modes changes the PH of the blood and allows up to 433% more oxygen into the bloodstream. While some may sweat, the treatment leaves people feeling refreshed for days.

How we use Live O2 Therapy

Oxygen is a necessary part of how the body heals. When swelling, blood viscosity, and other factors inhibit blood flow, areas remain injured longer or don’t heal. This is especially prevalent with diabetics. Additionally, we know that the brain needs oxygen to grow and process information well. We see that doing high concentration  

Live O2 therapy gets our patients incredible results with a number of conditions. In this office, we use oxygen therapy to assist in our diabetic neuropathy and neurofeedback protocols.  We also use it with our athlete patients to create performance increases and fast healing outcomes. Whether you are are seeking to increase healing or mediate nerve damage this therapy is groundbreaking. Live O2 therapy can be used for patients young to old to create powerful results.

Book Your Live O2 Therapy Appointment

At Carolina Chiropractic Plus, we are dedicated to offering our patients the best treatments available by using the highest grade cutting edge technology at our state-of-the-art facility. In addition to traditional chiropractic care, our office provides an integrate approach to health care spanning the entire rehabilitative and wellness spectrum.

You can call us today to make an appointment for your first exam, evaluation, consultation, and treatment with us. We know you will appreciate the comfortable, easy, tranquil environment we have created for you. If you are looking for a chiropractor near Shelby, Carolina Chiropractic Plus is the one for you. Book your appointment today using the buttons below.

New Patient Special Offer:
Examination, X-rays & Report of Findings for only $79
(Original Value of $250)

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